Together we maximise our GMP+ feedprint

That is our inspiring goal. This has a strong connection with our mission but was born out of the motivations and work values of our own employees. In our ambition to provide the best feed safety scheme, we challenge ourselves to do better every day. We aspire to be the scheme that most companies in the worldwide feed chain want to use.

The +++ of working at GMP+

Meet (y)our colleagues Jaap, Els and Joris. They all play an active role in achieving our mission: improving feed safety worldwide. They each work in different roles, with different experiences and different +++, but they all share the same commitment and passion to contribute, to connect, to grow and to be skilled. And most importantly, none of them ever forgets to have fun@work.

“The balanced atmosphere”
That’s what Els calls a career+

During my career at GMP+ International I’ve been faced with loads of challenges and opportunities. I’ve always experienced an open atmosphere that welcomes my ideas for further developments to the scheme, to the organisation and to myself. The balance of professionalism, respect for each other’s positions and fun has kept me motivated and inspired to come into the office for many years.

Els van der Boon - Manager Standards & FSP

Open for talent”
That’s what Jaap calls a career+

We are a small organisation with global ambitions. To realise our major goals, we know we need each other. The team’s willingness and courage to show and use their talent – but also to leave room for other people’s talents – is truly remarkable. It makes working at GMP+ International really enjoyable. In fact, sometimes it doesn’t feel like work at all.

The open atmosphere, the drive for continuous improvement, the opportunities for personal growth, and the knowledge that I’m adding value for our community…These all help me to grow and to use my talents to contribute to safe feed worldwide, every single day.

Jaap van der Kloet - Project coordinator Standards & FSP

“Global network”
That’s what Joris calls a career+

We’re a small organisation but we still manage to achieve so many great things together. Everything we do – from small tasks to big projects – has an impact on a global level. This makes me proud to work at GMP+ and it gives me meaningful purpose. Although we may sometimes have our own agendas, we always act as one collective. This inspires me to do so much extra.

The opportunity GMP+ has given me to grow and develop, without ever losing confidence, drives me to do better every time. And it allows me to really connect with colleagues – professionally and personally. These vital connections support me in acting on other values such as laughter, growth and dedication.

Joris de Gooijer - Senior Marketeer