Expansion mutual recognition of EFISC and GMP+ FSA-certificates

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Over the course of 2014, GMP+ International and EFISC signed an agreement for mutual recognition. A GMP+ FSA certified company can – without additional requirements – accept the feed materials produced and delivered by a company certified in accordance with the EFISC standard.

This concerns:

  • Feed materials from the industry for crushing oil seeds and refining of vegetable oils
  • Feed materials from the starch industry

Currently, the scope of this recognition has been expanded with

  • Glycerine (crude and refined) from production of biodiesel

This expansion was achieved after completing a benchmark procedure, carried out in collaboration with Ovocom and QS (AIC previously accepted this product in its certification scheme). These schemes also expanded their recognition with EFISC.

GMP+ International intends to update the GMP+ BA10 Minimum Requirements for Purchasing as soon as possible. In the meantime, the information in this newsletter can already be considered part of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme based on GMP+ A1 General Regulations, clause 11.1.