GMP+ International welcomes first Chinese partner

Thursday, August 31, 2017

After several months of meeting, Beijing Feed Industry Association (BFIA) and GMP+ International signed its first ever Memorandum of Understanding on the 12th July 2017. It took some time for both organizations to finalize the said agreement because they wanted to ensure that everyone involved would benefit from this partnership.

BFIA represents feed companies (Feed Ingredients, Mixed Feeds) in the Beijing province, China. Many of its members are focused on export of feed ingredients worldwide. It was founded in 1986, as a non-profit organization.  BFIA has six professional committees serving for the government, more than 100 members, including livestock, feed and feed additive manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, equipment manufacturers and companies that supply other products, services and supplies to feed manufacturers. As a key segment of the animal production chain, BFIA has close contact with their members and government authorities. BFIA has close contact with their members and government authorities. They also support members on legislation and regulations of sustainable development program including feed safety assurance through promotion and clarification.

GMP+ International manages the international GMP+ Feed Certification scheme with the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (GMP+ FSA) module. At this moment, more than 16,600 companies located in 80 countries are already GMP+ FSA certified worldwide.  GMP+ International aims to provide an international platform on feed safety assurance and to facilitate feed companies regarding feed safety assurance. For that reason GMP+ International  continuously seeks involvement and support of stakeholders in the feed and following animal production chain through partnership with trade associations and food companies; and it appreciates BFIA’s partnership very much. In China, almost 100 Chinese feed (ingredient) suppliers are GMP+ FSA certified.

BFIA and GMP+ International aim to support application of proper feed safety assurance by BFIA’s members in accordance with the international standard. They support international and domestic marketing and promotions in the interest of Chinese companies and also to work with long term sustainable programs.

In 2016,the China feed industry was continually on  production restructuring. Although the number of the feed and feed additives enterprises in China was down from 13,236 in 2015 to 11,627 in 2016, the production of  feed still has an increased by 4.5% and reached at 209.18 million tons compared with 2015. Now, China feed industrial system is getting more mature and efficient. Maturation is also about getting more focus on ensuring the safety of feed production for production of safe animal products for consumers.


To learn more about the partnership, and GMP+ International list of all partners, our vision, ambitions and objectives please see our website.