Welcome to LL-C Certification as the 32nd Certification Body

Thursday, August 31, 2017

We are happy to announce in our 25th Anniversary year to have accepted our 32nd Certification Body, LL-C Certification from the Czech Republic.

With a presence in more than 60 countries, and still growing every year, LL-C Certification has extensive experience already in many industries, for example Agriculture, International Trade and Retail.

Karolína Macháčková of LL-C Certification: “We have been working within the area of food safety management for several years. Based on experiences gained we would like to extend our portfolio and include feed safety management.

We would like to provide extended services to our clients, which will allow us to cover all parts of production, trade and transport of feed safety management.

Production quality assurance as well as provided services are indirectly influencing all of us. Therefore, it is in our interest to uphold those services on the highest level possible and emphasis continuous development, which will bring to our clients economic stability and better future for next generations.”

Visit our website www.gmpplus.org for all GMP+ International accepted certification bodies.