Newly authorized feed materials and other developments in FSP

Thursday, July 27, 2017

From now on it is possible again to submit applications. The latest date of submission is August 25th 2017. The applications submitted before that date will be assessed in the Technical Committee FSP of November 7th 2017. Applications received after August 25th will be addressed in the first meeting of 2018.

A number of (new) feed materials with associated risk assessment have been approved and included in the FSP. 

Within the scope of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme – protection of the health of humans, people and the environment – feed materials for feed must be subjected to a safety assessment by means of a risk analysis, in accordance with the HACCP principles. 

Based on a desk study, carried out by the members of Technical Committee Feed Support Products (TCFSP), the risk analyses are assessed. If the assessment shows that the feed material can be inserted into the chain in a controlled manner, it will be included in the FSP product list. 

Over the past period, various feed materials and their processing aids have been assessed with a positive result. These feed materials are included in the FSP Product list. GMP+ certified companies can safely use these feed materials. 

In the table below, you’ll find an overview of the new feed materials and more back-ground information about the changes in the FSP. 

Feed material


 As part of the risk assessment (RA)

Mono-dicalcium sodium phosphate

The producer, Heinrich Nagel (GMP+ certified company), has stopped the production of this feed material.

According to our information Heinrich Nagel was the only producer of Magnesium calcite. Consequently this product should be removed from the FSP Product list.

Do you produce or process this feed material?

If you produce or process this feed material contact us prior to August 30th 2017. If after this date we have not received any information, this feed material will be removed from FSP.

The generic RA is not published (the specific RA of this company is internally archived by GMP+ International)

Calcium nitrate dihydrate

New feed material

Calcium nitrate dihydrate

Monoammonium phosphate

New generic risk assessment.

The specific product “11.104-Monoammonium phosphate (Aliphos Rotterdam B.V.)” has been replaced by the generic product “11.525-Monoammonium phosphate”

Monoammonium phosphate

Ammonium sulfate

New feed material

Ammonium sulfate

Safflower flower pulp

New feed material

Safflower flower pulp

Wheat protein concentrate

New feed material

Wheat protein concentrate

Waxy-leaf nightshade meal

New feed material

Waxy-leaf nightshade meal

Aloe barbandensis leaf juice, powder

New feed material

Aloe barbandensis leaf juice, powder

Calcium stabilized glycerine

New feed material

Calcium stabilized glycerine

Sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate

The risk assessment Sodium carbonate has been updated to include also information on Sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate. Relevant changes:

  • New feed material: “11.538-Sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate”. The specific product “11.077-Sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate (Novacarb, Laneuveville-devant-Nancy)” (previously included in FSP product list without publication of generic risk assessment) has been replaced by the generic product “11.538-Sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate”.
  • Amended risk assessment name: “Sodium carbonate & sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate” (instead of “sodium carbonate”)
  • New steps in flow chart: see amended details 1 & new page details 5
  • Amended the numbers (“references to process diagram”) in the table of hazards
  • New synonyms for sodium carbonate: “disodium carbonate” and “soda ash”
  • New suggested control measures for toxic substances at treatment/processing

Sodium carbonate & sodium-ammonium (bi)carbonate

Seaweed meal, dried and milled

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New synonyms and amended product definition: product available in pellet form
  • New processing aids: steam & types of water
  • New information in flow chart: see global and details 1 & 2
  • Remove “NOx and DMNA” from table of hazard
  • New suggested control measure at cultivation: finished product analysis

Seaweed meal, dried and milled

Hemp oil

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New feed material
  • New information in flow chart: see details 2 & 4
  • New hazard: peroxides

Hemp products

Rape seed expeller cake

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New feed material
  • New processing aids: sodium chloride; (tap-)water, preservative
  • New information in flow chart: see details 2 & new-whole page, details 4
  • New hazards at cultivation: Ally isothiocyanate & vinylthiooxazolidon

Rape seed oil industry

Rape seed expeller, extruded

Rape seed meal feed, extruded

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • Updated risk assessment name: “Rape seed products, extruded” (instead of “Rape seed meal, extruded”)
  • New feed materials
  • Amended product definition (2.130-Rape seed meal, extruded) removed ” rumen protection” (process is not assessed in this document)
  • New information in flow chart: see details 1
  • Amended table of hazard: reception is deleted because the hazards at this step are already mentioned in the risk assessment for the raw material: Rape seed oil industry.

Rape seed products, extruded

Wet (sugar) beet pulp

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New feed material
  • New information in flow chart: see details 2 & 10
  • New hazards at harvesting: Deoxynivalenol, nivalenol and T-2 and HT-2 toxins
  • Remove “NOx and DMNA” & “biogenic amines” from table of hazard
  • New control measures & references to process diagram in dioxins and PAH4 at processing.

Beet sugar industry

Hulls of nuts

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • Amended risk assessment name: “fruit nuts products” (instead of “fruit kernels of nuts”)
  • New feed material
  • New information in flow chart: see details 1 & 2

Fruit nuts products

Fermented soya (bean) protein (concentrate)

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • Amended product definition in accordance with the definition in the EU catalogue of feed materials (Cat. 1017/2017), product 2.18.5.
  • Replaced code 12.015 by 2.320 in FSP product list in order to follow the classification in the EU catalogue of feed materials
  • It is protein from soya (classified into group 2) and not protein from microorganism (classified into group 12).
  • New information in flow chart: see details 1
  • New hazards: T-2 and HT-2 toxins

Fermented soya (bean) protein (concentrate)

Lava dust

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New hazard: fluorine/fluoride

Lava dust

Fish protein, powder and 

Fish oil

Fishbone meal

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • Name Risk assessment amended: “Fish protein, liquid/powder & hydrolysed; fish oil & fishbone meal” (instead of “fish protein, liquid & hydrolysed”)
  • New feed materials
  • New information in flow chart: see new-whole pages: details 5 to 7
  • New processing aids: anti caking agents; steam (water)
  • New hazard: foreign bodies; biogenic amines; hydrocarbons

Fish protein, liquid / powder & hydrolysed; fish oil & fishbone meal

Soy-protein concentrated from water extraction

Soy bean fat, interesterificated

Soy (bean) expeller

Soy bean oil, crude not degummed

Soya bean flakes

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New feed material
    • Soy-protein concentrated from water extraction 
    • Soy bean fat, interesterificated
    • Soy (bean) expeller
    • Soy bean oil, crude not degummed
    • Soya bean flakes
  • New information in flow chart: see complete new page, details 7
  • New hazards: T-2 and HT-2 toxins

Soya bean oil industry

Auction fruits

Auction vegetables

Products covered under the definition of “auction fruits” and “auction vegetables” are also already covered under the definition of “vegetables and fruit, fresh”.

To avoid this duplicity on classification, both terms, “auction fruits” and “auction vegetables”, has been included as synonyms of “vegetables and fruit, fresh” and their codes are removed from FSP product list.

** see extra information about the effect on the GMP+ monitoring database

Fruit and Vegetable processing industry (excluding fruit juices)

Spray dried fat powder/emulsion (products)

Concentrate of process water from the production of spray dried fat powders/emulsions

New feed materials

Spray dried fat powder / emulsions and Concentrate of process water from the production of spray dried fat powders and emulsions

Magnesium oxide

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New processing aid: (tap-)water
  • New information in flow chart: see details 1 & 2
  • New/ additional hazards (hydrocarbons) and control measures: Calcination temperature min. 850ºC; finished product analysis

Magnesium oxide

Glycerin, crude (from the production of biodiesel)

Glycerin, refined (from the production of biodiesel)

Risk assessment updated. Relevant changes:

  • New remark to properly inform on restrictions in raw materials: It is not allowed to use a forbidden product as a raw material for the production of glycerin, see prohibited products in GMP + BA3.

Glycerin, crude and refined (from biodiesel)



Feed materials in the GMP+ Monitoring Database (MDB) 

** Specific information regarding Auction fruits /Auction vegetables 
Future submission of analysis results of the product ‘Auction fruits’ and ‘Auction vegetables’ (code 5.055 & 13.041, respectively) must be included under the product ‘vegetables and fruit, fresh’ (code 13.090). Previous analysis results for ‘Auction fruits and Auction vegetables’ (code 5.055 & 13.041, respectively) will remain available in the reports, but no new submission is allowed. 



The inclusion of new feed materials, changes in product names or removal of feed materials also effects the GMP+ Monitoring database (MDB). For new feed materials it is possible to add analytical results from now on. When a product name is changed the name will also change in the GMP+MDB. For the removed feed materials it is no longer possible to add analytical results, but the historical analytical results will still be available for consultation.