How to act on hazards without limits?

Monday, October 29, 2018

As part of the HACCP system, the participant determines which product standards apply for the Critical Control Points.

For some hazards, legal or GMP+ limits (rejection and/or action) are available in GMP+ BA1 Specific Feed Safety Limits. For other hazards no limits are available. How are participants expected to act on these hazards?  

If there is no limit available in GMP+ BA1, the company must take the following into account to establish their own limit:

  1. Companies may only place an animal feed on the market if the feed is safe, is sound, genuine, unadulterated, fit for its purpose and of merchantable, it does not have a direct adverse effect on the environment or animal welfare.
  1. If there are no legal or GMP+ limits (rejection and/or action) for a certain type of animal feed then it falls under the responsibility of the GMP+ certified companies to set limits in their HACCP study. Research should be based on literature studies, information from the sector, etc. It is required to be able to argue why certain limits are chosen or why something is not considered a hazard.

The Feed Support Products can be used as a guidance for setting limits. Especially the fact sheets give input to define the severity of a hazard and what levels have impact on the animal, consumer and/or environment.

Update of the Risk Assessments

Within the Risk Assessments of the FSP, a reference is made to the limit in GMP+ BA1 (where applicable). For hazards without a limit, the same guidance as above will be included via a footnote. This update will be published as soon as possible.