Reliable laboratory analyses are essential for a strong and reliable feed safety chain. Inaccurate or incorrect analysis results undermine the confidence in the strength of our feed safety chain and, in addition, even put the feed safety itself at risk.
To facilitate the market demand, GMP+ International launched the Registered laboratory program in March 2018. The market response is very encouraging. In the GMP+ Company database, you’ll find all Certification Bodies and laboratories:
The above-mentioned numbers show that they commit to improve the reliability of laboratory analyses by remanding a uniform performance level for the analysis of critical contaminants (Aflatoxin B1, dioxins/PCBs, heavy metals and pesticides). More information about the program is available on our website.
Please keep in mind that, as of July 1st 2019, GMP+ FSA certified companies must use a registered laboratory for the analysis of critical contaminants. Please contact your laboratory to check whether they have already initiated the application process, so that this deadline can be met.