FAO publishes report

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published the "Hazards associated with animal feed" report in November? This is the final report following the FAO meeting in May 2015.

This expert meeting reviewed and discussed potential hazards in feed of chemical, biological and physical origin, including pathogenic microorganisms, mycotoxins, heavy metals, dioxins, dibenzofurans and PCBs, residues of veterinary drugs and pesticides and radionuclides. The hazards, as well as their occurrence in feed, are described, as well as transfer from feed to food, relevance for food safety, impact on animal health, and emerging issues and trends.

The report includes conclusions and recommendations of the expert meeting and provides an updated overview of the current state of knowledge on hazards associated with feed, including feed and products of feed production technologies of increasing relevance, such as insects, former food and food processing by-products and biofuel by-products.

GMP+ International uses this information, among other things, during the evaluations of new and existing risk assessments.

The entire report is available on our portal section Feed Support Products. You need to login to read the report.