First harmonization training was a great success

Monday, September 30, 2019

The first harmonization training for GMP+ Registered consultant was a great success. GMP+ International organized the harmonization training to harmonize mutual cooperation and to update the knowledge of our Registered Consultants.

In September we organized the first GMP+ Registered Consultant Harmonization training. 14 consultants from countries such as, Brazil, Italy, Argentina, Morocco, Hungary, France, Ukraine and The Netherlands, participated in the training.

Our goal 

Our main goal to organize this training program is to harmonize the mutual cooperation and to update the knowledge of our Registered Consultants. We focus on creating camaraderie among the consultants. For us it is very important, because we want to create a good example of Ambassadorship.

The Program

The 3-day program started with one and half day of classroom training. During this time, we discussed and shared practical experiences and case studies to learn from. At the end of day two our Registered consultants had an assessment test. The final day was all about a field trip to commodity trader Cefetra BV and animal feed cooperative  ”De Samenwerking”. For GMP+ International it was a great experience, we received positive feedback from the participants, and are looking forward to organizing more of this in the future.