Changes to GMP+ FC scheme 2010 & 2020

Monday, November 15, 2021

In close cooperation with the GMP+ committees, who represent the GMP+ Community, a number of changes to the scheme have been prepared. These changes are being implemented in the GMP+ standards and will be valid from 2022. The changes have been made to both the GMP+ FC scheme 2010 and the GMP+ FC scheme 2020.

The changes mainly concern corrections - better explanation of the requirements, alignment with the GMP+ 2020 principles and better alignment with the daily practice of GMP+ certified companies. No less importantly, some changes address content topics:

  • control of residues & homogeneity,
  • exclusion of production from GMP+ certification,
  • partial lifting of the feed ban,
  • performance criteria for pesticides analysed by registered laboratories.

Control of residues and homogeneity of critical feed additives and veterinary medicinal products

The requirements in TS 1.11 / GMP+ BA2 have been updated in line with GMP+ 2020 principles. Many of the descriptive requirements have been removed , leaving more scope for companies to take their own responsibility in defining control measures to ensure that residues of critical feed additives and veterinary medicinal products do not exceed limits. Extra attention has been paid to ensuring that GMP+ requirements do not conflict with local legislation.

Exclusion from GMP+ certification

We have made it possible for GMP+ certified companies to exclude activities, processes, products or services related to the production of feed from the scope of GMP+ certification. This possibility was (and still is) available for activities, processes, products and services related to the trade, storage and transport of feed. Companies need to take measures to ensure that excluded activities, processes, products or services do not affect the safety of the GMP+ assured products.

Using processed animal proteins

The European Union (EU) has eased the ban on using processed animal proteins in feed according to Directive (EU) 2021/1372. The list of products that are not allowed to be used in feed (TS 1.4 / GMP+ BA3) has been harmonised by means of this relaxation of the rules.

Please remember that these permitted animal proteins may only be used as a feed material if they are also listed in the Product list of GMP+ International. Is the feed material in question not yet listed on the product list? Click here for the submission procedure.

Registered laboratories

Performance criteria for the analysis of pesticides have been added to TS 4.2 / GMP+ BA11. A short list of pesticides is provided. Laboratories that wish to become registered for pesticides must comply with the performance criteria for all pesticides on the short list.

What do you need to do?

Make sure your company complies with the latest changes to the scheme by the specified implementation date. 

GMP+ FC scheme 2010

GMP+ FC scheme 2020

The amended documents can be consulted here on our website.

The changes are marked grey.

The amended documents can be consulted here on our website.
Please note that these are the ‘clean’ versions of the documents in which the changes are not made visible.

If you want to know what has changed, open S 9.1 List of changes GMP+ FC scheme 2020 here for an overview of all changes per document and a link to the amended document for the GMP+ FC scheme 2020 with all changes visible.

Companies can apply these new requirements as from 1 January 2022. These changes must be implemented by 1 January 2023 at the latest. Companies have until that date to ensure compliance with the updated requirements.

The amended documents are currently available on our website in English, Dutch, German and Polish. Czech, French, Italian and Spanish will follow as soon as possible.

The updated scheme documents for the GMP+ FC scheme 2020 are currently being reviewed by the Dutch Accreditation Board. We cannot yet say when the review will be completed. Our aim is still to have the updated scheme documents implemented by 1 January 2022. We recommend that you sign up for our GMP+ newsletter. That way, you will always be up to date on the current status.

Why are you receiving this message?

GMP+ International’s normative documents are the very foundation of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. We strive to inform all GMP+ certified companies as soon as changes occur in order to ensure feed safety and responsible feed worldwide.

At GMP+ International, we continue to learn from your feedback and offer solutions to changing market requirements. If you have any questions about this message, please contact your GMP+ representative or get in touch with our GMP+ Helpdesk.