Welcome Certag, first GMP+ Registered Service

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Recently, we introduced GMP+ Registered Service. Certag is the first service provider to register. Supporting the road transport industry to increase reliability and transparency in the whole feed supply chain.

Welcome Certag

The first GMP+ Registered Service is set to offer its product for the transport community. In daily operations, feed industry operators need to use a whole variety of tools: non-feed products or services that are essential in feed safety assurance. At this point, feed sector companies do not have any support in choosing the right tools, which often results in severe obstacles in meeting relevant GMP+ FC scheme requirements. 

From auditing experience, I know what kind of challenges the feed industry is facing in its daily operations. Transparency in the transport of feed is definitely one of them. Attending the Programme with a project that serves a real purpose of supporting GMP+ Community in minimizing hazards coming from not authenticated transport of feed gives us a chance to leave an actual "Feedprint" by improving transport-related risk management. So I guess that what triggers us to collaborate is sharing a common approach to improvement of the feed safety assurance.” says Przemysław Tronina, General Manager of Certag.

What Certag can offer

GMP+ certified carriers might register loading compartments in publicly available Database of Certified Transport and use Certag system NFC tags for authentication of traditional (printed) transport logbooks. Alternatively, Certag mobile app may be used as transport logbook for record-keeping concerning the loading compartment, including history of loads and applied cleaning regimes.

Clients of GMP+ certified carriers may use Certag mobile application to easily verify the certification status of carriers and the authenticity of their transport logbooks with NFC tags. In case, Certag mobile app is used by a carrier as transport logbook, the loading inspector may easily verify at the entry-check the history of loads and cleanings regimes of the inspected loading compartment.

Interested to know more about Certag’s benefits and how to subscribe, visit www.certag.eu (under construction).

You’re invited!

The GMP+ Registered Services Regulation is now up in our website. We are looking for potential organizations with great services and products to support feed safety worldwide. If you are interested to be accredited, contact our Business Development unit.