It was pointed out to GMP+ International that the requirements referring to the produc-tion of GMP+ feed must be strict and complete physical and organizational separated from the production of non GMP+ feed, food and nonfeed/nonfood products is clearly defined. The GMP+ A1 General Regulations has for example another interpretation than the GMP+ B1/B2 documents. This is an undesirable situation which has to be solved as soon as possible.
At this moment GMP+ International is working on the re-design of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. This is an intensive project which cannot be finalized this year. The streamlining of the requirements mentioned above will be part of the re-design. GMP+ International decided not to wait on the finalization of the re-design and developed a temporary solution. As from the publication of this guidance GMP+ International tolerates the following scenario’s:
In scenario’s 1 till 3, the risk of cross contamination must be secured in the HACCP-plan, making clear reference to proper control measures of this risk and all legal requirements must be secured.
Follow up:
This new interpretation will be tolerated by GMP+ International until there is a final solution secured in the relevant normative document(s).INDEX