Public Consultation: Vietnam Country Note

maandag 15 januari 2018

GMP+ International wants your opinion about a new GMP+ Country Note regarding Vietnam. The Vietnamese feed industry is highly motivated to contribute to food safety. For this, Vietnamese companies would like to use GMP+ certification. However, some GMP+ conditions have not been met yet. Therefore, a GMP+ Country Note has been prepared.

This Country Note is part of the GMP+ FSA module. It sets specific conditions and stipulations which enable Vietnamese feed companies to participate in the GMP+ Feed Certification Scheme. 

This draft has been prepared in close cooperation with representatives of Vietnamese feed companies, and with experts of the Vietnamese feed industry. The draft is the first result of the recently signed collaboration agreement between GMP+ International and the Vietnamese food industry. 


Public Consultation 

Before finalizing and publishing this standard (GMP+ BCN-VN), and according to the decision procedure, GMP+ community is invited to comment on this draft before February 1, 2018. For this, you can use our reaction form. All comments will be added to the final draft, which will be sent to our International Expert Committee. 


What is a GMP+ Country Note? 

A GMP+ Country Note sets certain conditions and stipulations for a specific country. After consultation and approval, the country in question can participate in the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, under the conditions set forth in the Country Note.