EWS annual results 2016: input for the update of your HACCP plan!

poniedziałek, 13 marca 2017

By means of this newsletter, we would like to inform you about the key facts and figures of the EWS reports of 2016. You can also use this information in drawing up your company specific HACCP plan. Our other Feed Support Products (FSP) can be used for that as well. For instance, our risk assessments of feed materials, the fact sheets with back-ground information about undesirable substance or the analysis results in our GMP+ Monitoring database.

EWS annual results 2016

Reporting irregularities is important. It allows for fast action and, where necessary, for other parties involved to be notified about possible threats or risks (damage control). For that reason, the Early Warning System (EWS) is an important element of a Feed Safety Management system such as GMP+ FSA.

The key facts and figures of the EWS reports 2016 are shown in our EWS Infographic. In addition, this overview of EWS cases shows you what products with what contaminates in what countries were involved in an EWS case.

GMP+ International has analyzed the EWS reports for you and listed the key findings:

  1. General: increasing alertness and competence
  • The year 2016 is characterized by increased alertness and competence among participants, to identify (potential) risks for the safety of feed at an early stage and to anticipate accordingly. This conclusion is based on a substantial increase of the number of EWS reports (250 / +103 compared to 2015) and a relatively low number of EWS warnings (21 / +4 compared to 2015) sent to GMP+ participants.
  • The relatively low number of EWS warnings shows that GMP+ certified companies, in most cases, had the situation under control quickly, limiting the risk of contamination in the chain, and preventing feed safety from being compromised. This strongly applies to participants in the Netherlands and Germany, since most reports (82%) originated from companies from these two countries.
  • Four additional audits were necessary to further investigate correct compliance with the GMP+ FSA requirements.
  1. Feed materials and pesticides dominate
  • 80% of the reports concerned feed materials. Compound feed, additives, premixes, pet feed and non-feed caused much less problems for GMP+ participants.
  • Just like last year, the number of reports about pesticides in feed materials has increased: from 45 reports in 2015, to 66 reports in 2016. With that, contaminated ‘pesticides’ once again is hazard number 1, followed by mycotoxins. With 44 reports, the contaminated ‘mycotoxins’ is second (28 reports zearalenone, 13 reports ergot and 3 reports Aflatoxin B1). The third place is for the contaminant ‘microbiological hazards’ (29 reports Salmonella and 9 reports Enterobacteriaceae).
  • Most issues with pesticides in feed materials concerned citrus pulp (pellets) (22 reports) and lupins (11 reports).
  1. More reports about compound feed compared to 2015
  • It is notable that the number of reports of unsafe feed more often concerned compound feed (36 reports).
  • About 25 percent of these reports (10 in 36 reports) concerns 1 case (dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in compound feed from Italia. About this case, two EWS warnings were published on October 12th 2016 and October 26th
  • Nearly a third of the reports (11 of 36 reports) is due to microbiologic contamination: Salmonella (9 reports) and Enterobacteriaceae (2 reports). The reports concern various poultry feeds from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. The reports originate from various companies.
  • The other reports about compound feed concern the presence of additives / veterinary medicine (5 reports), mycotoxins (4 reports, prohibited substances (2 reports) and other risks (ambrosia and selenium).


Brief glossary:

Report                                 The report of unsafe feed to GMP+ International

Case                                      The whole of reports about the same unsafe situation. It concerns reports from various companies. Multiple reports can relate to a case.

Warning                              GMP+ participants are warned to be alert to possible contamination in the purchase of a certain product from a certain country or region. The situation is urgent and not (fully) under control.