International Database for Transport of Feed (IDTF) – Newsletter July 2017

czwartek, 20 lipca 2017

There have been agreed several changes for the IDTF by the International Committee for Road Transport (GMP+ International, OVOCOM, QS, Qualimat, GTP, AIC, Gafta and AMA). The changes are now implemented in the IDTF. Please find here further information about the changes.

There have been agreed several changes for the IDTF by the International Committee for Road Transport (GMP+ International, OVOCOM, QS, Qualimat, GTP, AIC, Gafta and AMA). The changes are now implemented in the IDTF. Please find here further information about the changes.

1. Modifications in classified products in the IDTF 

Changes have been made in the product names, definitions, brand name examples names or synonyms. Minimum cleaning levels are not changed.

The following IDTF numbers are concerned :


N° IDTF      Product name  Modifications 
30155             Sodium silicate  Change in the description of the product : 
the product can be in liquid or in solid form. 

Plasticizer in liquid form, 
for the manufacture of PVC

Addition of a new brand name example : CEREPLAS L 810 TM.

Mention of the CAS number for each brand name example, 
under the item “Brand name examples”.

40381  Salt

Change in the name of the product. Former name “Feed salt, cooking salt 
(feed, food)".

Description of the product : “The content of NaCl shall not be less 
than 97% on a dry matter basis, exclusive of additives”.

Mention of the CAS number.

Addition of a Synonym : Table salt. 

30298  Road salt Deletion of the sentence “If this concerns pure NaCl, cleaning A suffices”.
30097  Silico manganese

Mention of Ferro silico manganese under the item “Synonyms”.

Mention of the CAS number.


Artificial fertilizers and 
mineral soil 
(in solid form)

Addition of “Korn Kali” under the Brand name examples.

Publication date: 20/07/2017 
Mandatory from: 20/11/2017 


2. New products classified in the IDTF : 

The following products and cleaning regimes have now been incorporated into the IDTF:

N° IDTF Product name                 Minimum cleaning       
40413                   Kaolin derivatives (non feed)                     A
30494 Magnesium hydroxyde solution  C

The above changes to the IDTF are applicable immediately and are binding.