International Database for Transport of Feed (IDTF) – Newsletter 2/2018

czwartek, 4 października 2018

There have been several changes for the IDTF by the International Committee for Road Transport (GMP+ International, OVOCOM, QS, Qualimat, EFISC-GTP, AIC, Gafta and AMA). The changes are now implemented in the IDTF.

 Please find here further information about the changes.

1. New products classified in the IDTF

2. Modifications in classified products in the IDTF

3. Products deleted from the IDTF

The above changes to the IDTF are applicable immediately.

Publication date: 04/10/2018
Mandatory from: 04/02/2019

4. Announcement

a) Groups of chemical products
ICRT has received numerous requests for classification of different chemical products in the IDTF. Listing each product individually would result in hundreds of new entries in the IDTF. In order to limit the amount of new entries and keep the IDTF transparent the ICRT has, where possible, made groups of chemical products with similar characteristics:

  • Alcohols with cleaning regime B
  • Alcohols with cleaning regime C
  • Amines
  • Anionic and non-ionic surfactants
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons long chain, chlorinated hydrocarbons
  • Ethers with cleaning regime B
  • Ethers with cleaning regime C
  • Esters with cleaning regime B
  • Esters with cleaning regime C
  • Chlorinated Esters
  • Fatty Acids, ethoxylated
  • Ketones
  • Phenols

b) Groups of products falling within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 999/2001
The requirements laid down in the IDTF concerning cleaning of vehicles which have been previously used for the transport of these products, are outdated. The ICRT is preparing an update. Not only the requirements for cleaning are updated, but also the products falling within the scope of this regulation are beter structured in the IDTF. For this purpose the ICRT has, where possible, made groups of products with same regulatory requirements:

  • (Compound feed containing) Fishmeal
  • Processed animal protein from non-ruminants other than fishmeal
  • Processed animal protein derived from ruminants
  • Dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate of animal origin
  • (Compound feed containing) Blood products derived from non-ruminants
  • Other products derived from ruminants

The groups of products as mentioned under a. and b. will be published in the IDTF. Individual products will be listed with their name (and CAS number) under the corresponding group as “Products which fall under this product name / group”. Practically, this means that some products which are currently individually listed, will be included in a larger group of products under a new IDTF number, together with many new products. This will also speed up the classification procedure of the products still to be applied, when they can be added to the already existing group.

ICRT is currently working on the changes in the IDTF necessary to realize the abovementioned product groups and will publish these on the short term.

Publication date: 01/11/2018
Mandatory from: 01/03/2019 except for the requirements concerning feed legislation: for these see the feed legislation in force