Feed safety, hidden perspectives, and untold stories

Thursday, August 30, 2018

If you look at it from an outsider’s perspective, the journey of GMP+ International seems like a very smooth one: we went from setting some industry rules in the Netherlands in 1992 to a worldwide feed safety certification scheme, with almost 18,000 certified companies in 2018.

Blog 2 - Feed safety, hidden perspectives, and untold stories

Johan den Hartog
Managing Director, GMP+ International

But that’s just one way of looking at it. I’ve been with GMP+ International from the start and so there are many more stories to tell. And not all of them as positive as our growth numbers. Like that time years ago, when I sat down with some of the largest corporations in China for a roundtable discussion about feed safety. Everybody agreed that something had to happen. Was this going to be the big breakthrough in the Far East we had for years been working on? It certainly looked and felt like it. But in the end, nothing changed. 

The other side

That’s one example of what the other side of what GMP+ International’s success looks like. Behind the scenes, I’ve had my share of setbacks, disappointments, and downright failures. The kind of stuff that you usually don’t hear or read about. By the same token, in the feed industry as a whole, not everything is always what it seems, either. And sometimes, it’s exactly what it seems – yet it may be tempting to look the other way.

Join me

That’s all going to change. Starting today, in monthly blogs, I will take you behind the scenes of GMP+ International and our quest for feed safety worldwide. At the same time, my blogs will be about you, and about our industry. I want to share my experiences with you, be provoking at times, but always be fair and honest (comments or feedback? Email me!). In the meantime, I will not forget the words of American trendwatcher Jay Samit: ‘No matter how much we tweet, blog and post, nothing in business is as powerful as actual face time with prospective partners and customers.’ I am looking forward to meet you on one of my journeys. Until then, please join me on my digital one.