Working together for impact

Monday, August 30, 2021

The GMP+ Feed Certification scheme has grown to become the biggest feed safety scheme in the world because we listen to the wishes and challenges of businesses in the sector. As the new Managing Director of GMP+ International I therefore see it as my task to keep the scheme close to developments in the market. And to make the choices that will make the difference for the GMP+ Community.

Blog August - Working together for impact

Roland van der Post
Managing Director, GMP+ International

Johan den Hartog has been at the helm of GMP+ International for nearly thirty years, from the start of the scheme in 1992. Together with colleagues, partner organisations and businesses from the sector, he grew the scheme from a national code into a fully fledged and globally recognised certification scheme with approximately 19,000 participants. As his successor, I want to take this opportunity to thank him for his vision, inspiration and leadership. We are pleased that he will continue to support our organisation for several years in his new role as Business Development Director.

As Johan pointed out in his last blog, over the course of its existence GMP+ International has succeeded time and again in making the right choices at the crucial moments. The future remains challenging. The feed sector faces a long list of challenges. At the same time, we are offering more and more supplementary services alongside the scheme. Our task is to make sure the scheme and our services optimally match developments in the market and have added value for the firms.


I would like to emphasise choices with impact. Producing safe feed is essential for confidence in the sector and the continuity of every business. On top of that, companies naturally want to continue to develop. Our standards and services need to promote feed safety but also to match their business development.

In order to do so, we at GMP+ International need to keep up with developments in the market. As the owner of the world's largest feed safety scheme, we also owe that to ourselves. To this end, I aim to invest heavily in our relationships with partner organisations. In doing so we will strive for reciprocity, relationships that benefit both parties, and of course feed safety.

Worldwide input

We will also continue to work on the representation of growth regions within the scheme. Our origins in Western Europe nearly thirty years ago remain clearly visible, for example in our advisory expert committees. We are very pleased to have this input – after all, Europe remains our biggest market. But gathering broader input to improve our scheme is only logical in view of the growth in other regions, such as eastern and southern Europe, Asia and South America.

I am proud to have the opportunity to lead an organisation that plays such a prominent role in the global effort to ensure safe feed. In my role, I hope to be to make a contribution to the challenges facing the sector. Let's work together for choices with impact!

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