Share your feed safety knowledge via the GMP+ Academy forum

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Feed Safety Worldwide will only come within reach if we work together in the chain. It is no accident that the so-called ‘chain approach’ is the foundation underlying the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. An indispensable element of that cooperation is knowledge sharing. For this reason, the GMP+ Academy has an online forum where you can talk to feed safety experts from around the world.

Blog December - Share your feed safety knowledge via the GMP+ Academy forum

Roland van der Post
Managing Director, GMP+ International

A GMP+ FSA certificate is more than just a diploma to put on the wall. Above all, certification is a call to the company to continue to develop in terms of feed safety. It also underlines the fact that you are part of a worldwide community of businesses throughout the chain, from collection to production. Together, the over 19,000 GMP+ FSA certified firms have a wealth of knowledge – some about transport or trade, others about HACCP or sampling.

Training courses

One of the big challenges in the effort to achieve Feed Safety Worldwide is the distribution of the available knowledge across the worldwide feed chain. The higher the level of knowledge among businesses, the greater the intrinsic dedication to feed safety. Against this background, last summer we launched the GMP+ Academy. The Academy gives certified firms access to training courses and E-learning modules about the day-to-day practice of feed safety.

A less well-known element of the Academy is the forum. A small but growing group of entrepreneurs and quality managers are regularly to be found on this forum. Whilst the training courses are primarily focused on the basic principles of feed safety, the forum offers an accessible way to talk to other professionals in the chain.


In our work, we often speak to colleagues from the same sectors and regions as ourselves. On the forum, the usual barriers fall away and you are in touch with all kinds of professionals from every part of the chain, worldwide. Ask questions, share your views about a current issue or post relevant information about feed safety. We have only recently started, but the forum is already being used by people from every part of the world. What’s more, GMP+ International’s experts are members of the forum. Which means it is also the place to go for questions or comments about the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme.

Feed safety is not something that can be achieved by an individual firm. It is a shared task. That's why we need the knowledge and effort of everyone. Take a look at the forum and register as a member. Join in the discussion, make your voice heard and share your experiences. Together we are building a valuable source of feed safety knowledge from which we can all benefit.

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