No chain without transport

Friday, January 28, 2022

When someone mentions the feed chain, it's likely you'll think of production or trading companies. The people who connect the links together are often overlooked. But without transport, we don't have a chain. The figures underscore that: nearly half of the 19,000 companies in our feed safety community are certified for transport.

Blog January - No chain without transport

Roland van der Post
Managing Director, GMP+ International

Transport involves more than moving products from A to B. Alongside all the logistics challenges, safety plays an essential role in the feed chain. Inadequate safety measures during transport by road, water or rail can undo efforts elsewhere in the chain. With potentially major risks for other businesses, animals and ultimately consumers.

So supporting the transport sector is high on our agenda. For instance, in early February we will be launching ten online learning modules about transport in our GMP+ Academy. These so-called ‘microlearning modules’ have been developed in close partnership with the transport sector and deal with areas such as trade, HACCP, risk management and process technology. Ideal for training new employees, or to use as a refresher course for more experienced staff.

Transport scope updated

In addition, we are updating various elements of the transport scope. The TS 3.3 was completely revised in 2021 in order to make it even more applicable internationally.

The International Database Transport Feed (IDTF) has also been expanded and made more user-friendly. The inland navigation module is now part of the database, which means you can find extensive information about cargoes and cleaning regimes for inland navigation. The IDTF also contains valuable information for road transport, so use it!

For smaller transport firms, it can be a challenge to implement HACCP into daily business operations. The requirements in this regard have increased with the updated GMP+ certification scheme, which is based on ISO22000. In order to better support firms, we publish examples of HACCP plans for road transport. These documents will be revised and updated in the near future.

Over the course of the first quarter we will also be publishing a newsletter for inland navigation and an FAQ page for road transport.

Invest in knowledge-sharing

With these steps, we hope to give a new impulse to feed safety in the transport sector. However, that can only be a success if we all continue to invest in our knowledge levels. Feed safety starts with knowledge and cannot exist without a strong transport sector. So keep investing in knowledge-sharing within your company. Go through the microlearning modules with your new and existing colleagues, work on HACCP, promote the use of IDTF internally and register for the GMP+ Academy.

With intrinsic motivation, up-to-date knowledge levels and optimum cleaning, we can ensure that transport not only maintains value, but also adds it.

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