As new initiatives demonstrate, the feed sector continues to develop

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Along with my colleagues Bram Schuit, Johan den Hartog and Olyn San Miguel, I attended the European Commodities Exchange in Copenhagen last month. At this trade show, we learned about numerous new initiatives and technologies that have the potential to change the feed sector for good.

Blog October - As new initiatives demonstrate, the feed sector continues to develop

Roland van der Post
Managing Director, GMP+ International

The trade show in Copenhagen once again underlined what we all see around us: the pace of developments in the realm of data and technology is extremely high. Also in our feed sector. Whether they are small start-ups or established superpowers, all businesses are looking for innovative ways to better control trade in the chain.

Developments around monitoring and sampling catch the eye, but also noteworthy are blockchain initiatives that enable firms to share data more quickly. Blockchain also makes checks more reliable and allows them to be performed remotely. This can result in a more efficient and sustainable working method and a reduction in travel and other costs.

Greater openness

Alongside the pace of innovation, it was good to see that developments are also resulting in increased cooperation and transparency in the sector.

Entrepreneurs are seeking each other out in order to share ideas and innovations and take them further. We, too, are frequently approached. It is no longer the case that everyone does their best to keep innovations away from others. Healthy competition will of course continue to exist, but caution appears to be making way for greater openness and cooperation. That is a good thing.

Making choices

At GMP+ International, we are keen to tap into these initiatives in order to see how we can assure feed safety even better. However, the sheer number of innovations requires us to make choices. We are always prepared to share our knowledge and experience if that will benefit Feed Safety Worldwide. If our input can assist in further developing technological solutions that will make animal feed safer, you will find a willing partner in us.

We left the trade show in Copenhagen with an optimistic feeling about the future. The sector faces many challenges, but with innovation, cooperation and transparency I am convinced we can meet them.

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