B documents

In the B documents you'll find the normative documents, annexes and the country notes, this relates to FSA.

GMP+ B1 Production, Trade and Services (version 01.01.2022) 
GMP+ B1.2 Production, Trade & Services - Additional requirements for ISO22000:2005/PAS222:2011 (version 01.01.2022)
GMP+ B2 Production of Feed Ingredients (version 01.01.2022) 
GMP+ B3 Trade, Collection and Storage & Transshipment (version 01.01.2022) 
GMP+ B3.2 Trade to Livestock Farms (version 01.07.2018) 
GMP+ B4 Transport (version 01.01.2022) 
GMP+ B4.3 Short Sea Shipping and Inland Waterways Transport (version 01.01.2022) 
GMP+ B8 Production of and Trade in Pet Foods (version 01.01.2022) 
GMP+ B10 Laboratory testing (version 01.04.2016)
GMP+ B11 Protocol for GMP+ registration for Laboratories (version 04.06.2019)

Previous version of the documents above can be consulted here.